Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Intergroup no. 9207
Region 7
The name of this organization shall be the Central Virginia Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous.
Section 1-Purpose
The primary purpose of this organization is to aid those with the problem of compulsive overeating through the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous, and to serve and represent the OA groups from which the Intergroup is formed. This Intergroup does not govern. This Intergroup is in compliance with and qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501 ©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding section of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
Section 2-The Twelve Steps
The Twelve Steps are suggested for recovery in the Fellowship of Overeaters Anonymous. The Twelve Steps are:
Section 3-The Twelve Traditions
The Twelve Traditions are:
Section 4-The Twelve Concepts
The Twelve Concepts of OA Service
Section 1-Membership
Membership of the Intergroup shall consist of the following:
Section 2-Qualifications
Qualifications of eligibility for membership in the Intergroup:
B.A group may be formed by two (2) or more persons meeting together as set forth in Article IV, Section 1 of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Bylaws Subpart B.
C.Each group shall be entitled to vote(s) through its elected IR(s).
D.No group may be registered with another Intergroup.
E.Virtual groups (groups that replicate face-to-face meetings through electronic media) may be Overeaters Anonymous groups if they:
1.otherwise meet the definition of Overeaters Anonymous groups;
2.are fully interactive; and in real time.
Section 3-Intergroup Representatives
A.Intergroup representatives shall be selected by the group conscience of the group they represent. Each IR shall be selected by any method deemed appropriate by their group. These IRs shall serve for a period designated by their group, always subject to recall by the group they represent. Each group shall be free to designate an alternate delegate when the necessity arises.
B.IRs should be selected for judgment, experience, stability, willingness and for their faithful adherence to the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of Overeaters Anonymous.
C.The primary responsibility of the IR, or alternate, is to represent the group at all meetings of the Intergroup, to act as a liaison between this Intergroup and their group, to see that all communications pertaining to Intergroup are made available and, where requested, read aloud to the group.
Section 4-Absences of Intergroup Representatives
The Intergroup secretary shall notify representatives’ groups of any IRs’ absences.
Section 5-Membership with Voice and No Vote
Membership with voice and no vote may be given to:
A.Any employee
B.Any member of the Fellowship who is not a duly elected representative or alternate.
Section 1-The Intergroup Board
A.The board shall consist of Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, World Service Business Conference Delegate(s) and Regional Representative(s). A member of the Intergroup Board (with the exception of Chair) may also serve as Intergroup Representative for only one group. When this occurs the Board member will have only one vote, and it will be as the Intergroup Representative.
B.This Intergroup Board shall serve as the executive board. In the event the Chair of the Board should be unable to attend any meeting of the Board, the next-highest-ranking executive officer in attendance shall serve as chair for that meeting. The ranking of these officers is as follows:
1.Vice Chair
2.World Service Business Conference Delegate
5.Regional Representative
Section 2-Nominations to the Intergroup Board
Nominations to the board may be made from the floor at the time of election. A nominating committee may also be formed, at the discretion of the Intergroup.
Section 3-Qualifications for the Intergroup Board
A.Working the Twelve Steps of OA for not less than one (1) year.
B.Familiarity with the Twelve Traditions of OA.
C.Familiarity with the Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
D.Three (3) months of current abstinence, with the exception of World Service Delegate and Region Representative.
E.Regular attendance at an active group for a period of one (1) year and to be or to have been an Intergroup Representative.
F.The World Service Business Conference Delegate (s) shall have at least one (1) year of current abstinence, at least two (2) years of service beyond the group level, and shall meet current qualifications and requirements as outlined and defined in the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, Article X, Section 3, and as required for election to the Board by Article IV, Section 4 of these bylaws.
Section 4-Method of Election
A.Elections of all Board members except for World Service Delegate and Region Representative shall be held in September, with new duties starting at the first Intergroup meeting in October.
B.Elections for the World Service Delegate(s) and Region Representative(s) shall be held in August, every second year.
C.To be eligible for election to the Board, a nominee must:
1.Meet all qualifications as defined in Article IV, Section 3.
2.Understand the responsibilities of the position as defined in Article IV, Section 6, and as defined in the Intergroup job descriptions.
In the case of an officer candidate not meeting the abstinence and/or other requirements at the time of election, they may be appointed into the position as an “acting” officer and after three (3) months be elected to the position if meeting the abstinence and/or other requirements.
In the case of a break in abstinence during an officer’s term, if the individual desires to continue serving, the Intergroup body will determine by vote at the next meeting whether the officer may remain in the position.
D.In order to be elected to membership on the Intergroup Board, a nominee must be present at the election meeting and must receive a majority ovote of the IRs present and voting.
Section 5-Term of Office
A.Board members shall be elected to serve for a period of one (1) year. The exceptions are the Region Representative(s) and World Service Delegate(s), who are elected for a two (2)-year term. Newly elected officers shall begin service at the Intergroup meeting following their election.
B.Board members shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office, except for reasons to be decided by the group conscience of the Intergroup.
C.After an interval of one (1) year, a member may again be eligible for election to his/her prior office.
D.Upon election to the Board, members shall cease to be representatives of their groups, and their groups should elect a new IR.
Section 6-Responsibilities of the Intergroup Board
1.shall preside at all regular and special meetings of this Intergroup and Intergroup Board.
2.shall be responsible for establishing the agenda for all Intergroup meetings.
3.shall be responsible for establishing a calendar of activities and distributing this calendar to the Intergroup.
4.may cast the deciding vote to make or break a tie.
5.may attend all standing committee meetings.
6.may be removed after two (2) consecutive and unexcused absences.
7.shall ensure that the general account of the Intergroup be audited annually (refer to Webster: audit, v. 1: to examine with intent to verify).
8.shall be responsible for all internal communications.
B.Vice Chair
1.shall assist the Chair as agreed upon between the Chair and the Vice Chair.
2.Shall preside over Intergroup meetings in the absence of the Chair.
3.may be removed after two (2) consecutive and unexcused absences from meetings of this Intergroup.
1.shall see that minutes are kept of all Intergroup and Intergroup Board meetings and that a copy of the Intergroup minutes is sent to each Intergroup representative. As a cooperative gesture, a copy of the minutes may be sent to the regional trustee.
2.shall maintain a file of all minutes of past meetings.
3.may attend all standing committee meetings.
4.may be removed after two (2) consecutive and unexcused absences from meetings of this Intergroup.
1.shall maintain a checking and savings account, if necessary, for dispersal of Intergroup funds.
2.shall submit financial reports each month at the Intergroup meetings.
3.shall be cosignatory with a minimum of one (1) other Board member or an appointee of the Board and will only require the second signature for reimbursements that are not a part of customary operating expenses. Customary operating expenses are hereby defined as: the telephone line, directory listings, rent, the internet service, dues to WSO and Region 7, and the current budgeted amount for newsletter printing.
4.shall regularly pick up mail and distribute it in a timely fashion to appropriate Board members and/or committee chairs.
5.shall be advisor to any committee that maintains a checking account.
6.shall serve as chair of the Budget committee.
7.may attend all standing committee meetings.
8.may be removed after two (2) consecutive and unexcused absences from meetings of this Intergroup.
E.World Service Delegate(s)
1.shall also be a Regional Representative for Regional Assemblies.
2.shall attend the World Service Business Conference and Regional Assembly meetings of Overeaters Anonymous.
3.shall meet all qualifications and requirements in all areas as defined by the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, and the Region 7 Bylaws.
4.shall have one (1) year of current abstinence.
5.shall serve Overeaters Anonymous and the World Service Business Conference and Region 7 for a two (2)-year term.
6.shall keep World Service informed of all changes in group information.
7.shall serve no more than four (4) consecutive years, except for reasons to be decided by the group conscience of the Intergroup with respect to the Delegate.
8.shall be willing to report, either verbally or in writing, as designated by the Intergroup, the actions of the Conference/Regional Assembly, to keep all groups aware of the World Service/Regional information; to communicate important information to the area.
9.may attend all standing committee meetings.
10. may be removed after two (2) consecutive and unexcused absences from meetings of this Intergroup.
11. shall serve in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair.
12. shall assist the Chair whenever needed.
F.Region Representative(s)
1.may be the same person as the World Service Business Conference Delegate.
2.shall attend the Regional Assembly meetings of Region 7 of Overeaters Anonymous.
3.shall meet all qualifications and requirements, in all areas, as defined in the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, and the Region 7 Bylaws.
4.shall have six (6) months of current abstinence.
5.shall serve Overeaters Anonymous and the Region 7 Assembly for a two (2)-year term.
6.shall serve no more than four (4) consecutive years, except for reasons to be decided by the group conscience of the Intergroup with respect to the Regional Representative.
7.shall be willing to report, either verbally or in writing, as designated by the Intergroup, the actions of the Regional Assembly, to keep all groups aware of the Regional information; to communicate important information to the area.
8.may attend all standing committee meetings.
9.may be removed after two (2) consecutive and unexcused absences from meetings of this Intergroup.
G.The Intergroup Board shall provide a means of conducting the Intergroup business in the case of emergencies and/or between meetings of the Intergroup.
H.Other Board positions
Section 7-Vacancies and Resignations
A.If a member of the Intergroup Board fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings without prior notice, his/her office may be declared vacant by a majority of those members present and voting.
B.Any Board member may resign at any time, for any reason, by giving the Chair of the Intergroup written notice.
C.Any Board member of this Intergroup may be removed from office for due cause by a majority vote of the IRs at a special meeting announced for that purpose.
Section 8-Filling of Vacancies
A.Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote at that meeting in which the vacancy occurred, or at the next meeting or special meeting of the Intergroup. Such persons chosen to fill said vacancies shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
B.A person chosen to fill any vacancy on the Board shall meet the qualifications as defined in Article IV, Section 3, and be aware of all responsibilities of that position as described and defined in Article IV.
Section 1-Regular Meetings
The Intergroup shall meet a minimum of bi-monthly at a time and place designated by a majority of the voting members.
Section 2-Annual Meetings
An annual meeting shall be held in the month of September for the election of officers. The World Service Business Conference (WSBC) Delegate(s) and Region Representative(s) shall be elected every other year in August. An additional annual meeting shall be held in the month of October for the planning and budgeting of the fiscal year.
Section 3-Special Meetings
A.A special meeting may be called at any time by a majority vote of the Intergroup Board, or by petition of a majority of Intergroup members, by giving notice as prescribed in Article V, Section 4.
B.The membership may act on any matter by mail vote, and such action shall be deemed as valid and binding as if such action were taken at a duly held meeting of the Intergroup. In order to obtain approval of the pending matter, an affirmative vote of the majority of the known voting membership shall be required.
Section 4-Method of Notification
Notification of all meetings shall consist of notices prepared by the Intergroup Secretary and distributed to each group secretary and/or IR, not less than one (1) week prior to the date of the meeting. Placing an announcement in the Intergroup newsletter, if any, or by mail, and at the prior Intergroup meeting is also considered proper notification.
Section 5-Quorum
Those voting members present at any meeting of this Intergroup shall constitute a quorum for all proceedings of the Intergroup.
Section 6-Meeting Procedure
It is suggested that at the beginning of every meeting OA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions be read. In addition, it is requested that the Twelve Concepts of OA Service be read.
Section 1-Standing Committees
The following standing committees may be established as required to carry out the purpose of Intergroup in the most effective and efficient manner. Standing committees may include but not be limited to:
B.Public Information
E.Fun and Fellowship
G.HIPM (Hospitals, Institutions, Professionals, Military)
H.Other committees deemed necessary to carry on Intergroup activities
Section 2-Special Committees
The Board shall designate such special committees as are deemed necessary for the welfare and operation of the Intergroup.
Section 3-Committee Appointments
The Chair shall appoint a committee chair from those IRs present who meet IR qualifications. A Board member or any OA member present meeting IR qualifications may be appointed to chair a standing or special committee with approval of the majority of the members present and voting.
Section 4-Committee Procedures
Each standing or special committee shall be responsible for calling and holding meetings, and establishing its method of procedures, subject to the approval of the Intergroup Board and the guidelines of the Twelve Traditions of OA.
Section 5-Committee Responsibility
Any committee decision and/or vote that establishes or changes a policy, sets a procedural plan for a special event, or expends funds in excess of the approved budget shall require approval by the Intergroup prior to implementation. Each standing committee chair shall submit a written report to the Intergroup two (2) months prior, but at least by one (1) month prior, and at the end of any specific event coordinated by that committee. If any monies are expended from an approved budget, a detailed and itemized report shall be included with the committee report.
Section 6-Nominating Committee
The Intergroup may have a nominating committee to recommend persons to serve as officers, Regional Representatives, WSBC Delegates and persons to fill vacancies and to serve on the next nominating committee. The number of members on the committee should be three to five (3 to 5). The chair of the Intergroup shall not serve on the committee but may provide background information and input as requested by the committee.
Section 7-Ex-officio Members
A.Past committee chairs may serve in an ex-officio capacity in their respective committees.
B.The Intergroup Chair is an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 8-Committee Bank Account
If it’s deemed necessary by the Board that a committee shall open a bank account, the following procedure shall be followed:
A.The committee chair and any member of the Intergroup Board shall be cosigners on the account.
B.The committee chair shall keep all financial records and shall present a detailed, itemized report of transactions to the Intergroup no later than the second Intergroup meeting following any event for which monies were expended or received.
C.The committee chair shall arrange for an audit of the committee account during the final month of each year.
Section 9-Vacancies
Should a vacancy, resignation or removal of a committee chair occur, all pertinent information shall be turned over to the Intergroup Chair. The Intergroup Chair shall then appoint a new committee chair to serve the remainder of the term.
Section 10-Removal of Committee Chairs
A committee chair may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Intergroup Board. Removal is based on unworthy conduct, return to compulsive overeating, or non-attendance, as deemed by the Intergroup Board.
Section 1-Source of Funds
A.Voluntary contributions of the member groups shall be the primary source of funds.
B.Secondary source of income may be such occasional projects or activities as may be authorized by the Intergroup according to Tradition Six.
C.The Intergroup may accept donations from OA members, conforming to the general practice of OA.
D.The maximum allowable annual donation to the Intergroup by OA members is to be limited to an amount set by vote of the Intergroup. This amount shall be $2,000. It is subject to change by vote of the Intergroup.
E.The acceptance of bequests or donations from any outside source is prohibited.
F.The maximum allowable bequest to the Intergroup by OA members is to be limited to an amount set by vote of the Intergroup. This amount shall be $25,000. It is subject to change by vote of the Intergroup.
G.The Intergroup shall not accept responsibility for trusteeship over, or enter into the distribution or allocation of, funds set up outside of Overeaters Anonymous.
Section 2-Prudent Reserve
There shall be no accumulation of funds beyond current necessities, with retention of only a prudent reserve for contingencies. The amount of this prudent reserve shall be $1,000. Funds in excess shall be donated to Region 7 and the World Service Office quarterly, as budgeted and directed by the Intergroup.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this Intergroup in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, or any special rules of order this Intergroup may adopt.
A.These bylaws, with the exception of Article II, Sections 2, 3, and 4, may be amended at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the IRs and Board members present at any regular or special meeting of the Intergroup, provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and received by each group affiliated with this Intergroup at least one (1) month prior to the meeting in which action is to be taken on the amendment.
B.Intergroup may not make amendments to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions except as per OA, Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, Article XIV, Section 1.
C.Amendments to these bylaws which are quoted directly from OA, Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, shall only be made upon receipt of official notification by the Board of Trustees and/or the World Service Office. In that event, the changes shall be considered editorial; the changes shall be made, and all member groups of this Intergroup shall be notified (Article II, Section 2 (12 Steps), Section 3 (12 Traditions), and Section 4 (12 Concepts); Article III, Section 2 (OA Group Definition); Article IV, Section 3F (World Service Delegate qualifications).
A.Matters that affect this Intergroup and/or groups within its service area shall be referred to the Board of this Intergroup.
B.Matters which relate to Overeaters Anonymous as a whole, which affect Subpart A of the Bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., shall be referred to the Board of Trustees.
C.Matters which affect Subpart B of the Bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., or which relate to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts shall be referred to the World Service Business Conference.
Section 1
Upon dissolution of this association, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the association, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the World Service Office of Overeaters Anonymous and/or to Region 7.
Section 2
No part of the net earnings of this association shall ever inure to or be used for the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the association shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payment and distribution in furtherance of the express purposed for which it is formed.
Permission to use and adapt the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous granted by AA World Services, Inc.
Permission to use and adapt the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous granted by AA World Services, Inc.
OA Central Virginia Intergroup
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